#3042034 by paulvandenburg: Update simplesamlphp library
#3031027 by JoshaHubbers, paulvandenburg, JohanKleene: Webform: 'enter' on any element displays date-popup
#3016143 by paulvandenburg: Add webform patch 2810913
#3042004 by paulvandenburg: Core update SA-CORE-2019-004
#2988323 by paulvandenburg, chansorpea@ezcompany.nl, Danny.Wouters: Make Dvg compatible on PHP 7.2
#3040519 by paulvandenburg: Menu aggregation pages are too open
#3012242 by ralphvdhoudt, JohanKleene, paulvandenburg: Add events rss feed
#2869716 by TVoesenek, JohanKleene: Default stopwords list for the search
#2998512 by ruudvanoijen, JoshaHubbers, paulvandenburg: Domain Access update to 3.16
#3040077 by JoshaHubbers: Update views for SA-CONTRIB-2019-034 SA-CONTRIB-2019-035 SA-CONTRIB-2019-036
#3004091 by TVoesenek, ralphvdhoudt: Missing required attributes in SAML 2.0 SP Metadata
#3031025 by JoshaHubbers, paulvandenburg: Add location component to DvG Appointments
#3030665 by JoshaHubbers, paulvandenburg: Functional content: Domains support with entityreference_autocomplete
#3025753 by paulvandenburg, JoshaHubbers: Patch domain_traversal to support destination in the traversal link
#3035858 by ralphvdhoudt, paulvandenburg: Change default encryption method from mcrypt to openssl
#3034409 by JoshaHubbers: Radio buttons required marker done right
#3036335 by JoshaHubbers: Update context for SA-CONTRIB-2019-028
#2937691 by Danny.Wouters: Assign the CSV mime type to dvg_document file type
#2924924 by ruudvanoijen: dvg ct webform encrypt value can be unset
#3014709 by paulvandenburg: Include domain_entity patch to fix a SQL exception when using features
#2930491 by Danny.Wouters, askibinski, paulvandenburg, Heine, JoshaHubbers: Extend dvg_logger so it can be used a custom logger for encrypted data
#2998977 by paulvandenburg, JoshaHubbers: Patch xmlsitemap for undefined constant warning
#2990193 by TVoesenek, JoshaHubbers: Update field_group to 7.x-1.6
#3034551 by paulvandenburg, JoshaHubbers: SA-CORE-2019-003 update + Core 7.64 update
#3021984 by paulvandenburg: Update dvg_appointments to new rc1 version
#3026233 by JoshaHubbers, , bskibinski: Media CKEditor update after CKEditor UPDATE
#3032725 by idebr: Remove *.orig files
#3032722 by idebr, paulvandenburg: drupal-org.make: replace subdir configuration per project with a default subdir
#3033889 by paulvandenburg, bskibinski: Fix deselecting of filters in payment view
#3034088 by Megha_kundar, GGH: dvg_popup_config not removed on uninstall